Pete Bevacqua on the future of Notre Dame Athletics

Author: Gasser Abousaif

Pete Bevacqua on the future of Notre Dame Athletics

College sports are going through unprecedented change. The stakes are high and the challenges daunting. While many athletics departments are scrambling to respond, the University of Notre Dame is staying true to Her mission, providing an unmatched student-athlete experience that offers the best of both worlds: a world-class education paired with a championship culture.

In this episode of For Good, Pete Bevacqua, Vice President and James E. Rohr Director of Athletics, discusses how coming back to lead Notre Dame Athletics was the fulfillment of a dream he didn’t know he had and how Notre Dame’s fierce independence will help the University successfully weather the chaos engulfing college athletics. In the 13th episode of For Good, Jeffrey Rhoads, Vice President for Research, discusses how research is an essential component of the Notre Dame experience and how Notre Dame can become a global leader in generation-defining research.

New episodes of For Good: Stories from Notre Dame drop on select weekdays at and the ND Loyal YouTube channel. You can also listen to the podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

A sincere thank you to the Notre Dame Family for making stories like these possible! It's because of you that Notre Dame is such a powerful force for good in the world.

Originally published by Gasser Abousaif at on June 13, 2024.